Star Wars Darth Vader (Marvel 3rd Series)

Android's Amazing Comics

Star Wars Darth Vader #8
CGC 9.8


Star Wars Darth Vader #8 1:10 Design Variant CGC 9.8 White pages 1st full appearance of Sly Moore and Eye of Webbish Bog (W) Greg Pak (A/CA) Raffaele Ienco INTO THE FIRE! •  Hungry for vengeance after his brutal punishment at the hands of THE EMPEROR, can DARTH VADER uncover his master’s secrets in the depths…

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Android's Amazing Comics

Star Wars: Darth Vader #12
Cover A


Star Wars: Darth Vader #12 Cover A NM (W) Greg Pak (A) Guiu Vilanova (CA) Aaron Kuder PRELUDE TO WAR OF THE BOUNTY HUNTERS: “RESTORATION” •  Returned to the fold after his rebellion against the EMPEROR, DARTH VADER faces the horrors of reconstruction in the secret laboratories of CORUSCANT. •  As he blacks out under the knife,…

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Android's Amazing Comics

Star Wars: Darth Vader #14
Cover A


Star Wars: Darth Vader #14 Cover A NM (W) Greg Pak (A) Raffaele Ienco (CA) Aaron Kuder “THE BLADE BEHIND THE CURTAIN” •  For decades, no figure has stood as close to the EMPEROR with so much mystery surrounding her. •  Who is the UMBARAN? What is her role within the EMPIRE and in the WAR OF…

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Android's Amazing Comics

Star Wars Darth Vader #15
Cover A


Star Wars Darth Vader #15 Cover A NM (W) Greg Pak (A) Raffaele Ienco (CA) Aaron Kuder “THE ASSASSIN’S CHOICE” •  Mere months ago, OCHI OF BESTOON was the assassin who dared to take on DARTH VADER himself in the fiery lava pits of MUSTAFAR. •  Now Ochi serves Vader as his most loyal agent during the…

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Darth Vader Crimson Reign comic #21

Darth Vader #21
Cover A


Star Wars: Darth Vader #21 Cover A NM (W) Greg Pak (A) Raffaele Ienco (CA) Paul Renaud THE RETURN OF THE HANDMAIDEN! •  A figure terrifyingly close to VADER’S dark heart returns – but with a shocking new allegiance that threatens total chaos! •  The band of heroes who have bound themselves to Vader’s cause finally learn…

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